Menstrual Disorders - Closed Cervix at Pap Smear?
Anyone know what would cause a 30-year-old woman with no children to have a "closed cervix"? The doctor sounded like it was an abnormal, but not concerning, issue. My old gyno said I had "cervical...
View ArticleI use and love encare I am 23 yr old young lady, my question is if you don't...
... cervix all the way in the vagina and it pops out..keep in mind some of it dissolves..but not inserted all the way in( kind of at the opening of the vagina) can I get pregnant?! ... my period...
View ArticleHow much naproxen should I take for sciatica nerve damage?
I went to the emergency department about 5 days ago because of an intense pain on my right side from the lower vertebrae with a shooting pain down the leg now although the shooting pain is gone I...
View ArticleIs it possible to get cervix cancer if you already had a historectomy?
I have sle, the professor treating me for this did some blood tests, when reviewing this with me he asked me if i am pregnant. There is no way, i had a hestorectomy 20 years ago. According to the...
View ArticleAre you able to take Fiber Choice while pregnant?
I have a list of fiber choices from my dr. but that is all I have available at the moment. I also have a weak cervix so I don't want to take any kind of stimulant or anything that can harm the baby....
View ArticlePainful Intercourse with bleeding and a lump on cervix?
Hello I had my cycle June 20th it is always heavy and irregular due to PCOS. It stopped 4 days later. Then about 4 days ago I noticed a lot of pain with intercourse followed by bright red blood. That...
View ArticleRitodrine - In 1989 my Dr. Put me on a IV drug and admitted me after he had...
... anyone have to lie in a inverted bed for weeks only to go home on Yutopar pill form and deliver a baby boy with heart problems
View ArticlePlan B - What does it mean to have a high and firm cervix?
Hi. I check my cervix on a regular basis and right now it's high and very firm. My boyfriend and I had sex on Saturday the 2nd and I was on my period. Later that day I took Plan B, I didn't get sick...
View ArticleNexplanon - Should I be back to normal? Did I test too early?
I had it in for 3 months, had my period 2 of those. I got it removed on the 10th of July. I still haven't gotten my period. My cervix is still high, closed and tilted back. I wasn't told not to have...
View ArticleHas the estring been associated with causing mucinous granulation tissue of...
in an 80 yo demented female with atrophic vaginitis
View ArticleCan I come out pregnant with no cercix?
I had a partial hysterectomy they only took out my cervix do too I had pre-cancerous in my cervix
View ArticleBurning pain, cramping, and sharp pains in my lower right abdomen. feels like...
Feels like ovarian cyst rupture but I dont have ovaries anymore. my right ovary was removed along with my cervix, uterus and both tubes almost 2 years ago. my left ovary was removed and i had a tvt...
View ArticleMirena - Are the strings suppose to curl around your cervix?
... the strings feel (if that makes sense). I can feel the strings, but it seems to be curled around my cervix. Just had it put in a week ago. Should I see a doctor?
View ArticleCopper - Did your doctor prescribe you a cervix softening pill?
Also, were you on your period when you had it inserted? If so please rate your pain during and after from a scale of 1 to 10 and tell me how long it lasted. This is for people who like having paragard.
View ArticleI am a 26 year old female. I have three large ulcers in my stomach, multiple...
... cysts in my ovaries, lesions on my cervix, cellulitis abcess on both ears, and a gallbladder that isn't fully functional. Should I be concerned about any corrilation between these conditions? The...
View ArticleHow is an IUD (Skyla) removed if the strings aren't visible out of the cervix?
Hi there, I am interested in having my IUD taken out (I have Skyla) because I have had constant pain, nausea, and an uncomfortable feeling down there since placement. I went to the doctor the other...
View ArticleI have the nexplanon on and I had a tissue discharge and want to know if...
IT LOOKED LIKE I HAD JUST MISCARRIED A BABY BUT WHEN I WENT TO the HOSPITAL THEY SAID IT WAS TISSUE FROM MY CERVIX? And that it wasn't a baby but my doctor never told me this would happened nor I've...
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