Why am I cramping and having discharge?
Hi, I am on combination pill for birth control. I'm usually very consistent with it. At the most, some days I will take it no more than an hour and half late. But that is usually rare. I had...
View ArticleCan xalatan( latanoprost eyedrops) cause uterine contractions?
If taken vaginally , example rubbed on the cervix, will it possibly cause a miscarriage.? And is it relatively safe to use the eyedrops this way?
View ArticleI've been on lutera for three months and I think I started my period but I...
... cervix and there's blood, but I'm not bleeding like I normally do. Is this normal?
View ArticleWhat is causing my odd discharge ?
Female, tested negative for all stds. Strange smelling and tasting discharge... And lumps on cervix and excessive amounts of discharge. Please help.
View ArticleAre these symptoms normal after having the mirena removed & being placed...
I had the mirena placed a little over 4 years ago. My uterus is tilted backwards (most tilted uterus' are forward) so upon placing it we ran into some complications. My cervix was accidentally...
View ArticleLarge, round bulge behind my cervix. What is this?
I was experiencing pain around my right ovary, nausea and bloating, for the last few days. I seen my GP yesterday morning and am being sent for an ultra sound soon. Late last night I felt behind my...
View ArticleMonistat 3 - Is it possible to push a monistat ovule too far into the vagina?...
... that it has gone into my cervix or uterus and do not want to have complications from such a thing. Being that the applicator is so long, I had hoped monistat would have literature on this already,...
View ArticleCan I be pregnant? Periods stop after year and a half on nexplanon. Few...
Hey guys I've been on the nexplanon implant for over a year and a half and have had normal regular periods since insertion, but this month my period is 2 weeks late and my cervix is high, soft, and...
View ArticleHow much naproxen should I take for sciatica nerve damage?
I went to the emergency department about 5 days ago because of an intense pain on my right side from the lower vertebrae with a shooting pain down the leg now although the shooting pain is gone I...
View ArticleIs it possible to get cervix cancer if you already had a historectomy?
I have sle, the professor treating me for this did some blood tests, when reviewing this with me he asked me if i am pregnant. There is no way, i had a hestorectomy 20 years ago. According to the...
View ArticleAre you able to take Fiber Choice while pregnant?
I have a list of fiber choices from my dr. but that is all I have available at the moment. I also have a weak cervix so I don't want to take any kind of stimulant or anything that can harm the baby....
View ArticlePainful Intercourse with bleeding and a lump on cervix?
Hello I had my cycle June 20th it is always heavy and irregular due to PCOS. It stopped 4 days later. Then about 4 days ago I noticed a lot of pain with intercourse followed by bright red blood. That...
View ArticleRitodrine - In 1989 my Dr. Put me on a IV drug and admitted me after he had...
... anyone have to lie in a inverted bed for weeks only to go home on Yutopar pill form and deliver a baby boy with heart problems
View ArticlePlan B - What does it mean to have a high and firm cervix?
Hi. I check my cervix on a regular basis and right now it's high and very firm. My boyfriend and I had sex on Saturday the 2nd and I was on my period. Later that day I took Plan B, I didn't get sick...
View ArticleNexplanon - Should I be back to normal? Did I test too early?
I had it in for 3 months, had my period 2 of those. I got it removed on the 10th of July. I still haven't gotten my period. My cervix is still high, closed and tilted back. I wasn't told not to have...
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